Citation Guides

T The MLA works cited. How to do this right?

A little bit of history It is hard to believe that the storyline of the MLA style (which stands for Modern Language Asociation) began back in 1951 (which means we are far not the only generation «suffering» from the MLA «tough moments», but there have been many people to experience…

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W What is the most important thing about the APA title page?

As naive and straight forward as it is to say, the most important thing about the APA title page is the fact that it is the first thing people are going to see when they take your psychology paper. This means that it something that will create a very first…

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A APA vs MLA format in academic papers: how to choose?

When you write a lot of academic papers, you need to have good writing skills to present your ideas properly. But also, you have to format the text correctly. The focus is on citations and bibliography. This is the most important requirement for any academic paper because the originality of…

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T The IEEE citation format manual for students and graduates

The IEEE citation format is a set of regulations developed by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Its distinctive feature is the accent on numbers instead of names. You can see the IEEE formatted articles and books dedicated to IT topics, computer science, mathematics, and engineering. However, this…

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B Brief Information About ASA Format

The authors of various academic papers on sociological disciplines are guided by certain rules, which are presented by the ASA Citation Format. This style was developed by the American Sociological Association. It contains information about the location and formatting of footnotes and links, while the main task is to help…

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H How to Cite a Movie in different Writing Styles?

Well, we need to write a lot of research papers or essays on different subjects. So, it is common that sometimes we have to cite somebody`s work or assignment. In this article, we are going to cover the topic on how to in- text cite a movie correctly.  Basic Styles…

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S Some Facts about the APA Style format

APA is an abbreviation and it is decrypted as the American Psychological Association. APA is usually applied for writing academic papers on the subjects of psychology, culturology, sociology, socio- humanitarian and many other sciences. Having read this article, you may better comprehend the main points of the requirements for the…

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M Main Features of AMA Format

The abbreviation AMA is decrypted as the American Medical Association. It developed a format that people use for the correct design of various academic papers. The AMA citation format contains a number of guides, thanks to which writers are able to indicate the titles and authors of other works that…

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