How to Calculate GPA
Each country has its own system for evaluating student performance. In the USA, it is the GPA. This indicator is necessary if you are going to continue studying, for example, in graduate school. If you came from another country where another system operates, you need to provide detailed information about this. In this case, consult with the admission committee. This will help to compare your system and GPA, and also guarantees you a chance of admission.
If you are from the USA, we offer you detailed instructions on how to calculate your average score. Follow it and your GPA will help in successful admission!
GPA Formula
Modern GPA Formula is pretty easy:

So how to calculate it? Just remember how your parents or their parents said, “Once it was much easier.” We all just rolled our eyes from this phrase. In fact, their system was not simpler, it was just different. Some time ago, the following principle was used to calculate the GPA: all A-grades were equated to 4 points, B to 3 points, C to 2 points, D to 1 point and F to zero. Anyone with at least minimal intelligence could quickly understand their GPA.

Today, the system has changed, and to some students, it seems confusing. But you now have as many as 4 ways to calculate. And you can choose the one suitable for you. Also, note that the method of averaging GPA varies depending on your place of residence. But rest assured, if your grandfather knew how to calculate your average score, you can too. Use our article to find out if you are going to college or work at McDonald’s.
Your GPA influences which college you will study at. If you plan to apply to a first-class educational institution, from the top 50, your GPA should be as high as possible. Knowing that your chances are average, you can relax a bit and choose a middle-class university. Or push to fix the situation.
One more way to calculate
Some schools want to make students suffer or learn how to use a calculator. These are those that give you not just A or B rating, but A- or B +. We offer a scale for this case too.

Following this scale, the ideal average score is 4. In some schools, A + is perceived better than A. Therefore, in this case, you can focus on 4.3.
Weighted GPA
Some schools want students to try harder. This means that it’s not enough just to get good grades, you must attend classes with a different number of credits. If literature costs 2 credits, mathematics can cost 4 credits and vice versa. In this case, mathematics is considered more valuable and will affect your GPA more.
Of course, they will tell you about this at the beginning of the school year so that you can choose the appropriate classes. Think about your GPA in advance and attend not only those classes that are of interest to you, but which will be useful in the future.

What can you understand by looking at this table?
- Most likely you are making good academic successes, but your sports career is not distinguished by something special.
- This year brought you 13 credit points.
- The number in brackets is not a weighted GPA, but the numerical value of your letter rating.
In order to calculate GPA taking into account credit hours, follow these steps:
- Multiply all numerical grade values by the number of course credits
- Sum these numbers
- Divide 45 by 13, that is, the total number of loans taken.
Thus, a weighted GPA of 3.46.
If you use the very first method, you get 3.29. It turns out that a balanced GPA is higher and more profitable. After all, it takes into account really important subjects and doesn’t consider others too much.
Why do you need a GPA?
Your GPA will really come in handy if:
You attended high-level classes
Colleges want to work with students who challenge themselves intellectually. If you went through difficult courses and received a high GPA, this will prove that you are a smart and purposeful person. Even if you chose a lighter class at the beginning of high school and then moved on to a more difficult class, MLA works cited this is good for your reputation.
Your tests are just OK
If you pass the tests at an intermediate level and CAT or AST did not become your salvation, a good GPA will help to stand out among other students. This is a more reliable indicator today. All students may take the test poorly due to random reasons, but the GPA shows your ability to learn for a year.
Your GPA is different from other students’ GPAs
If you really tried, the college will definitely appreciate it.
But there are situations when the GPA does not play a big role. These are cases when you attended low classes, passed tests very badly or have the same score as your classmates. In this case, the college simply will not be able to understand what kind of person you are, what you stand out from others, what skills you can boast of. But this is the most important thing in admission. Therefore, you definitely need to calculate your GPA in advance and understand what you can count on. Take more high-level classes, better prepare for the tests, engage in competition with other students. Exceed your own expectations!
If you want to raise your GPA, help you raise your current GPA.
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