
H Human Geographical Research – Part two: Affect

Affect Geography In affect geography, the body is perceived as transpersonal rather than personal. The body is seen as a tool that challenges the expression of emotion—in this case the non-psychological location. It is not a source for testimonial evidence to which personal experiences are subject for analysis, but a…

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P Paris, France: Geography Quiz

Brief History of Paris, France In 55 BC, Paris was a small flood-prone fishing village on the Ile de la Cité, inhabited by the Parisii tribe, when it was conquered by the Romans. The city grew, and spread to the left bank of the River Seine.The Franks succeeded the Romans…

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F Facts and Statistics about Croatia, the Republic of Hrvatska Essay

Truths and Misconceptions Croatia is not Bosnia. We have some Muslims living here, but they are more the exception than the rule. Croatia is not Kosovo, most Croatians have never been near it. In 1999 when there was a war in Kosovo, it may as well have been on the…

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E Essay About Human Geographical Research – Part one: Emotion

Goal of Human Geography Human geography is a field of social sciences that focus on how people make sense of the world—how we interact with other people in our immediate environment, across space and how we all make sense of it all. In short, human geography tries to evaluate or…

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W Wetlands Essay

These wet ecosystems of salt-water estuaries, freshwater marshes, prairie potholes, forested swamps, and bogs provide critical nesting, rearing, feeding, and rest-stop habitat for bird and other wildlife populations across the nation. Coastal wetlands (marshes and mangroves) are highly productive ecosystems that provide important nursery and habitat functions to many fish and…

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A A Different Way to Make a Map Essay

As a geography teacher, my students occasionally make maps. While I try to spice my map assignments up, the formula is the same: 1.) Find items  2.) Place on map.  Predictably, this results in a map. One more or less looks like the next, some are just prettier. Recently, I decided to change things…

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3 3 Map Project Ideas to Spice Things Up

What is more hallowed to the Social Studies classroom than maps? Our walls are covered in them, and you can often find our students making them. For good reason. When used correctly, a map project is a powerful formative assessment that helps students understand spatial relationships, the world at large, relative…

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6 6 Questions to Make Geography Fun Essay

Today a co-worker walked in my room, looked at the physical map of Europe I had up, frowned and said, “Is that boring to teach?” I smiled and said “absolutely not!”  Done right, lessons on physical geography fill the class with excitement, wonder and a sense of wanderlust. They make geography…

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