85 Narrative Essay Topics For Students Looking For Inspiration
When your professor assigns you a narrative essay, you surely don’t feel pretty much happy about this. Until you’re a talented writer, this kind of task usually takes a lot of time and energy. Especially when you don’t have a specific topic for narrative essay.
This writing stage can be considered to be the most challenging. When you’re spending hours trying to develop some ideas without any significant progress. Fortunately, it is possible to make your life a bit easier. We can offer some interesting narrative ideas that you can use for your academic writing. You can choose one of them or get inspired and come up with your own.
How to Develop Narrative Essay Ideas?
Why is it so difficult to generate narrative speech topics? It is because your professors teach you to research and analyze information, to work with different sources, and develop an outline. They tell you what format your paper should have and how it is important to avoid plagiarism in academic writing. However, they don’t tell you how to be creative. That’s why there are students that need a second to generate narrative topics and students who need hours and days for the same task.
The best method to develop your creativity is organizing brainstorming sessions. Put your smartphone aside, and disable all notifications. You need a calm atmosphere that doesn’t distract you. Write down as many topics for narrative essay as you can. It doesn’t matter if some of them are not as good as you expect. The more you write, the better thoughts come to your mind. Finally, you’ll have a list to choose from. Try to organize such sessions from time to time because they are helpful for the overall creativity skills.
And now, we want to share an incredible list of topics that you can use when you lack inspiration and time.
Amazing Topic For Your A-Level Narrative Essay
Writing a narrative essay, it is necessary to remember about features that are typical for this format. It is a paper where you tell some story from your point of view, including plot, some characters, their development, conflict, etc. When you need to come up with a motivational letter to apply for a scholarship, you write a narrative paper as well because it describes the story of your life. And you need to come up with an attractive title that will hook your audience’s attention at once.
So, what are good narrative essay topics’ ideas according to our version?
- Unique traditions in your family.
- Traditions of different countries that surprised you.
- What is your favorite holiday, and how do people of your culture celebrate it?
- Why knowing your roots is necessary?
- How does culture change with ages?
- Is cultural identity important?
- Write about your disagreement with friends.
- Did you have a period of dealing with bullying in high school?
- The day you realized your life had been changed forever.
- What was the first novel you read?
- Things your family taught you.
- What would you change in the history of mankind?
- You have one billion dollars. What would you do?
- What are your greatest accomplishments?
- What would you say to your favorite musician if you meet him or her?
- How did you manage to overcome your greatest challenge?
- Describe a random act of kindness that surprised you.
- Do you remember the first time you failed in the class?
- Describe your emotions when you won a prize.
- Why do you like (or don’t like) camping?
- What is your favorite memory from childhood?
- Write about your role model and reasons to admire this person.
- How do you spend your time when you’re sick?
- Who was your first best friend?
- Write about your childhood dreams.
Personal Narrative Titles to Share Your Story
Writing about personal experience is not that easy. However, it depends on the topic. You can tell some funny stories, remember sweet days from your childhood, summer trips, and so on. But it is almost always a challenge to write about your real emotions, moments when you were vulnerable. That’s why many students face difficulties when they need to come up with narrative titles. Fortunately, we have some nice ideas that will come in handy!
- How do you maintain the relationship with your parents?
- Do you prefer to be alone or to spend time with other people?
- What was the event that shaped your entire life?
- Write about your actions that you’re not proud of.
- What is your worst trait?
- Things you would teach your children.
- Are you ready to participate in the reality show?
- Tell about losing a person you loved.
- What movie would you make with an unlimited budget?
- Describe some difficult choices that you had to make.
- Things that you really love about yourself.
- What do you regret most?
- How would your friends describe you?
- Can you say that you’re a person of self-control?
- How do you manage your emotions?
- Write honestly about social media’s impact on your life.
- Do you have a fear of missing out?
- What things do you consider to be unethical?
- Can you say that you really love your birthday?
- If you starred in the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette.”
- The moment when high school knowledge saved your life.
- Would you prefer to be born in another country?
- Are there things you are really ashamed of?
- How do you handle depressive episodes?
- Write about your pleasure guilties.
Some More Narrative Essay Topics For College Students
So, now you have a list of 50 topics to choose from. But we know that you may be looking for something more! That’s why we want to offer you other 25 ideas so that you just can’t go away empty-handed.
- Are you a leader or a follower?
- What is the country of your dream?
- Things that help you to relieve the stress.
- Describe the flawless vacation.
- Are you ready to take risks when you face some challenges?
- What assumptions do people make when they meet you?
- What would you change in high school syllabuses?
- Tell a story when your high expectations turned out to be a disaster?
- The way you act with problems.
- Do you believe you can save the world?
- What would your pet say to you?
- Write about the teacher or professor who inspires you.
- How technology affects your daily life?
- Write about problems caused by a competitive spirit.
- What would your prom speech be about?
- The most important principles that define your life.
- What values matter when you choose a college?
- How would you prefer to spend time with an unlimited budget?
- Did your childhood dreams come true?
- How do you relax after a tough day?
- Describe the moment when you thought you might die.
- Do you think it is necessary to protect the weak?
- Things you would do if you became famous.
- Words you could tell your younger self.
- How do you get motivated when you really need to?
Ten Serious Topics for A Narrative Essay
- Surviving a Natural Disaster
- Overcoming a Personal Health Challenge
- The Impact of Social Injustice
- Life in a War Zone
- Immigration and Identity
- A Personal Loss
- Caring for a Family Member with a Serious Illness
- A Turning Point in Your Education
- Witnessing a Social Movement
- Battling Addiction
It is Time to Place Your Order, and Boost the Academic Performance
What should you do when you came up with an interesting topic (or chose the brilliant one from the list above), but it didn’t make the task easier? Sometimes you just don’t have enough time to write a good essay, or lack knowledge, energy, writing skills. There is no need to spend sleepless nights trying to write a single paragraph. You can just order a personal narrative essay, and it will change your life!
First of all, you’ll get a lot of free time that you can devote to other assignments or your hobbies. You can also get rid of constant stress and worries. Our paper writing service will help you to boost the grades, so don’t wait and send your request right now!